Alternative Ways to Encourage Attendance
Connect with students via email and messaging (Learning Management System, etc.).
Preview the next class meeting (and content) at the end of class.
Communicate the importance of class attendance and participation to promote effortful learning.
Monitor attendance trends (and communicate with students).
Articulate the benefits of attending (and the costs of not attending) class.
Make the most of class time:
Incorporate collaborative experiences into the class (in-class writing or projects; team-based learning).
Incorporate credit-for-learning activities.
Respond to questions through a live poll (during real-time in-person and online class sessions).
Have students submit a copy (it can be digital) of activities completed during class (e.g., a worksheet, a peer review of another student’s paper, a group analysis of a case study), individually or as a group.
Complete a brief reflection or “muddiest” point assignment:
“The most important thing I learned today was…."
"One thing I am still confused about is…”
Incentivize critical or active reading and note taking (in class):
Collect reading notes.
Provide opportunities for engagement in class:
Time to ask questions.
Work through and annotate sample problems or cases (with peers).
Incorporate peer-learning opportunities (peer review, problem-based learning, or workshop time).
Expand on material students have read by focusing content on application rather than a summary or recap of reading.
Create time in class to practice application of new knowledge, skills, or concepts.
Engage in group work, presentations, or projects.